"You have prostate cancer..."
These words change the lives of one out of every nine men in the U.S over the course of their lifetime. In the past, a prostate cancer diagnosis was considered an immediate death sentence. Today, as a result of huge advancements in modern medicine, there are multiple prostate cancer treatment options that allow millions of people to live longer, more productive lives.
When I received my prostate cancer diagnosis, I was worried and had many unanswered questions. I knew next to nothing about the disease, and even less about the potential dysfunction and trauma created by the various PC treatments. While most patients immediately focus their energy on finding the right treatment, with the hope of resolving the situation as quickly as possible, the reality is the recovery process is often a much greater undertaking than the treatment itself.
Unfortunately, the ''recovery at home'' information provided to me when I was released from the hospital was worthless, leaving me with many questions and presenting me with many unnecessary frustrations, challenges, and issues which could have largely been mitigated had I been adequately informed. As a result, I created Prostateroadmap.com to provide insights and tips direct from Prostate Cancer Survivors with simple, common-man speak, so your journey can hopefully be a lot less turbulent than mine and many others.
I hope this information will help guide you through the treatment and recovery process, and alleviate stress for patients and their caregivers alike. Wishing you all the best in your prostate cancer journey.

Book available at AMAZON https://us.amazon.com/dp/B0BL2WSKFW/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1BI5QZXEQYP7P&keywords=prostate+cancer+survivors+roadmap&qid=1667319822&s=books&sprefix=prostate+cancer+survivors+roadmap%2Cstripbooks%2C73&sr=1-3
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